You will learn to read the tarot clearly for yourself and others. and accurately and with confidence, and you will be getting the following benefits:

  • Learn to read tarot accurately and confidently, WITHOUT using a book.
  • Learn to hear, listen to and trust guidance. Essentially learn to become intuitive or “psychic”.
  • Learn to use your own body as a compass that helps you to make the best decisions instantly.
  • Learn to "read" people's energy instantly.
  • Guided meditations and visualizations for psychic development.
  • Learn to talk to AND hear your guides so that you can receive their help and guidance in every day life.
  • Learn to heal, clear and balance your own energy system in order to become a better “channel”(your aura and chakras).
  • Learn to "upgrade" every area your life using the tarot cards!
  • Learn to EASILY use the law of attraction to get whatever you desire in your life with the tarot.
  • Be a part of a private Facebook group where I will be going live every week to teach, give readings, guide spiritual practices and discuss mystical topics. You’ll also meet like minded mystics to share experiences with and to practice readings with.